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COVID-19 Exposure & Closure


We were informed today that a parent participant that attended the Brooklyn Park Program on Tuesday, August 10th, tested positive for COVID-19. They were assisting meeting with staff after hours when only staff and a few kids were present. A youth of the parent participant also attended the park on 8/10, 8/12, and 8/13. Both were fully vaccinated and are following CDC guidelines. We have informed participants that attended those dates of the possible exposure and suggest testing.

The park program will be closed until all staff have received a negative test result and/or a COVID negative substitute staff member is in place for a positive staff member. All of our staff have been fully vaccinated. We will be following CDC and Multnomah County protocol for any positive staff. We are doing this out of an abundance of caution.

We will continue to require masks for all staff, and youth/adult participants for the remaining dates of the park program once it is safe to open.

Again for the safety of our children, community, and park program staff please get tested if you attended the park program on 8/10, 8/12, and/or 813.

If you have any questions please email us at or call (971) 808-2438.

We will announce the park program reopening date on our website; and on all of our social media and neighborhood platforms

Please stay safe and healthy,

Friends of Brooklyn Park Board and Park Program Staff

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